20 Bridges Manhattan Swim - results index

20 Bridges is a 45.9-km (28.5 mile) circumnavigation swim around Manhattan Island, New York City. It was founded by New York Open Water in 2016, and is the successor to the Manhattan Island Marathon Swim.

For a combined list of all historical Manhattan swims and races, see Manhattan Island circumnavigation swims.

20 Bridges Manhattan Swim route
Route Swims Fastest
Manhattan circumnavigation (CCW) 425 Mark Deans - 06:34:52 (2017)
Manhattan circumnavigation (CW) 4 Joe Zemaitis - 10:44:52 (2022)

View data by year:

  • 2016 (22 finishers)
  • 2017 (67 finishers)
  • 2018 (63 finishers)
  • 2019 (84 finishers)
  • 2020 (10 finishers)
  • 2021 (41 finishers)
  • 2022 (63 finishers)

View organizer data

See also:


Reviewer: Kelley Schall (August 2023)
Swam in 2023 (Finished)
Overall Experience: ★️★️★️★️★️

Pilot: Don't recall his name but he was assigned by NYOW and did an excellent job
Fees: 3350 USD for tandem swim
Communication ★️★️★️★️★️
Piloting Skill: ★️★️★️★️★️
Cost/Value: ★️★️★️✩️✩️

Association: NYOW
Fees: NA
Communication ★️★️★️★️★️
Advice & Support: ★️★️★️★️★️
Value: ★️★️★️✩️✩️
Comments: "NYOW did an excellent job sorting out all of the details of the swim for us so that we just needed to show up and swim! Everything went exactly according to plan, and I had an incredibly successful tandem swim with my friend Michella. Dave Barra was my assigned kayaker and Abigail Fairman our assigned observer and they did an excellent job. I appreciated having such an experienced team."

General Comments: "The swim is expensive - which is understandable, given the expense and logistics needed to pull it off safely and successfully. Just acknowledging that it is indeed expensive, fortunately I had a friend to swim tandem with that made it significantly more affordable."

Reviewer: Jordan Iverson (August 2023)
Swam in 2023 (Finished)
Overall Experience: ★️★️★️★️★️

Pilot: Sean Makofsky
Fees: $5,200
Communication ★️★️★️★️★️
Piloting Skill: ★️★️★️★️★️
Cost/Value: ★️★️★️★️★️

Association: New York Open Water
Fees: NA
Communication ★️★️★️★️★️
Advice & Support: ★️★️★️★️★️
Value: ★️★️★️★️✩️
Comments: "New York Open water offered a webinar before the start of the season that provided a lot of helpful information from race directors, pilots, and prior swimmers."

Reviewer: Eric Durban (August 2023)
Swam in 2022 (Finished)

Pilot: Sean Makofsky, I think
Fees: $2800 USD for my share of tandem swim
Communication ★️★️★️★️✩️
Piloting Skill: ★️★️★️★️✩️
Cost/Value: ★️★️★️✩️✩️
Comments: "Expensive swim, but iconic and well organized. Glad to have done it tandem. Our kayaker Eric was great!"

Association: New York Open Water
Fees: NA
Communication ★️★️★️★️✩️
Advice & Support: ★️★️★️★️✩️
Value: ★️★️★️✩️✩️
Comments: "Good organizing pre-swim collaboration, and projecting time to swim to each of various way points. I didn't make the fall banquet but heard it was very good."

Reviewer: Christine Coppola (August 2023)
Swam in 2023 (Finished)

Pilot: Sean Makofsky
Fees: $5000 for entire event including kayaker
Communication ★️★️★️★️★️
Piloting Skill: ★️★️★️★️★️
Cost/Value: ★️★️★️★️★️
Comments: "Incredible crew and experience"

Association: New York Open Water
Fees: NA
Communication ★️★️★️★️★️
Advice & Support: ★️★️★️★️★️
Value: ★️★️★️★️★️
Comments: "Incredible organization loved it"

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