LongSwims Database

a Marathon Swimmers Federation project

LongSwimsDB is the world's most comprehensive marathon swimming results repository.

Swim Events

488 established marathon swim events and numerous independent solo routes.

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Swimmer Profiles

91000+ marathon swims by 32900+ swimmers from 142 countries.

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Event Reviews

Submit reviews of race organizers, pilots, and associations. See list of available solo swims and races HERE.


LongSwimsDB is developed and maintained by Evan Morrison.

The database covers documented, unassisted open-water swims of 10 km or longer - both solo and races.

It aims to:

  • compile a structured and accurate historical record of the world's marathon swims and swimmers
  • develop insights about the sport through data analysis and visualisation


New Results

The LongSwims Database is proudly sponsored by:

New York Open Water - event organizer and solo swim governing body for swims in the Hudson River, New York Bay, and the waters around Manhattan Island.

NYOW logo

Northeast Kingdom Open Water Swimming Association - organizing events and solo swims in Lake Memphremagog and the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont.

Infinity Channel Swimming - piloting and organizing swims in the open waters of Ireland and the United Kingdom.

infinity channel swimming

Keppel Islands Swimming Association - event and solo swim organizer for the Swim Around Keppel Island.


UltraSwim 33.3 - multi-day adventure swim challenge in Montenegro.

Last updated: 2024 Apr 22