Strait of Gibraltar

The Strait of Gibraltar is the body of water separating Europe (Peninsular Spain and Gibraltar) from Africa (Morocco and Ceuta), and connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. The narrowest part of the strait is 14.4 km (9 miles) across, though actual and effective swim distances vary due to cross-currents.

Strait of Gibraltar swims are organized and sanctioned by the Asociación Cruce a Nado del Estrecho de Gibraltar (ACNEG), based in Tarifa, Spain. The strait was first swum by Mercedes Gleitze in 1928, and is one of the Oceans Seven channel swims.


Reviewer: Alain Simac (November 2023)
Swam in 2023 (Finished)
Overall Experience: ★️★️★️★️★️

Pilot: ACNEG
Fees: NA
Communication ★️★️★️★️★️
Piloting Skill: ★️★️★️★️★️
Cost/Value: ★️★️★️★️★️

Association: ACNEG
Fees: NA
Communication ★️★️★️★️✩️
Advice & Support: ★️★️★️★️✩️
Value: ★️★️★️★️✩️

Reviewer: Sean Haywood (September 2023)
Swam in 2018 (Finished)
Overall Experience: ★️★️★️★️★️

Pilot: Laura Guiterez Acneg
Fees: GBP1825
Communication ★️★️★️★️✩️
Piloting Skill: ★️★️★️★️★️
Cost/Value: ★️★️★️★️★️
Comments: "No problems at all. There were 3 of us swimming and occasionally he would need to herd us back together again, but did so without much fuss."

Association: Strait of Gibraltar Swimming Association
Fees: NA
Communication ★️★️★️★️★️
Advice & Support: ★️★️★️★️★️
Value: ★️★️★️★️★️

General Comments: "Laura explained the reasons for the long wait (and the longer waiting list!). Obviously weather and sea conditions are the major factor. But it's also due to a very busy Gibraltar Strait, and authorities who want to focus their efforts on illegal immigrant boats, drug smuggling, and other maritime traffic. Swimmers needs don't feature that highly on their list."

Reviewer: Ángel Blázquez (August 2023)
Swam in 2022 (Finished)
Overall Experience: ★️★️★️★️★️

Pilot: The ACNEG crew
Fees: Depends on number of swimers
Communication ★️★️★️★️★️
Piloting Skill: ★️★️★️★️★️
Cost/Value: ★️★️★️★️★️
Comments: "Very professional. Totally involved in the swimmer achieving the goal"

Association: Asociación Cruce a Nado Estrecho de Gibraltar ACNEG
Fees: NA
Communication ★️★️★️★️★️
Advice & Support: ★️★️★️★️★️
Value: ★️★️★️★️★️
Comments: "Everyone in ACNEG has as their main priority that the swimmer achieves the crossing and also monitors that you comply with the rules so that it is ratified"

Reviewer: Joelle Beard (August 2023)
Swam in 2017 (Finished)

Pilot: Columba
Fees: €1,500
Communication ★️★️★️✩️✩️
Piloting Skill: ★️★️★️★️✩️
Cost/Value: ★️★️★️★️★️
Comments: "There was a zodiac that followed the main boat. Both did well. At one point; however, the zodiac took off to go check out some whales and left the swimmers to just spot off the boat from quite a distance away."

Association: ACNEG
Fees: NA
Communication ★️★️★️✩️✩️
Advice & Support: ★️★️★️★️✩️
Value: ★️★️★️★️★️
Comments: "The association was good to work with. Due to weather, I did have to swim with some other people, even though I had paid for a solo. Because I ended up having to swim a tandem swim, my fee was dropped, and I was refunded a little bit of money. My main issue, is that the people I was a scientist swim with were different speeds."